A Star in My Own Universe

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St. Patty's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Irish


A lot of times, people talk about whether or not they are "lucky". All that is good or bad in their lives is attributed to luck of one or the other. Some even make choices based on their belief that they are or are not "lucky". As it is St. Patrick's Day and we Irish obsess about being lucky this time of year, I am thinking about what it is to be lucky.

To my mind, "Luck" is that elusive, somewhat indescribable attraction or rejection of element that seems to follow someone. In the world of acting, most people would agree that successful actors have a least a little bit of luck at play. Whether they are born into a family with connections, or have a "Certain" look or just are at the "right place at the right time", a certain set of events or circumstances fueled their success. Many, many talented people never make it because they never have that luck".

I used to think I wasn't very lucky, at least when it came to acting. In retrospect, I am sure there are many who would disagree. I got paying work in Houston for several years before leaving for grad school. I went to an amazing grad school. I lived in and worked in San Francisco and New York. I never achieved great success by many people's standards, especially mine, but I certainly achieved more than many. Nevertheless, I wasn't one of the chosen few who find great acclaim and financial success from their acting career.

When I look at my life as a whole, it is undeniable that I am incredibly lucky. To begin, I was born to loving parents who the means to ensure that I was properly fed and cared for, as well as educated and prepared for most of what life would throw at me. This is luckier than the vast majority of the world and I say a huge thank you for that.

I met my husband when I was sixteen. We married over 20 years ago and are still going strong. Most would consider that lucky. He went to Iraq and came back to me; definitely lucky. We have two healthy, witty, wise, silly, happy children.

I have won the lottery.

I may never find my pot of gold. That's okay. I know what's at the end of the rainbow and it's right here.

#photos2015 #family

I'm sharing my Lucky with the Axis of Ineptitude. Are you lucky?