Friday Fragments #60


What, whoa, whew! It's Friday again?I am living up to the fragmented moniker. As a part of our Star Family Travels, we are in our third state this week. Traveling full-time is awesome but I have completely lost track of what day it is.


In the fragments, I must share that I hate that I know there is a Five Nights at Freddy song. Worse, I really hate that I know the words. My son downloaded it to his iPad and plays it ALL the time. For those of you who do know what Five Nights at Freddy (know as FNAF in our house) is, be glad. It is the new bane to my existence joining the ranks of Minecraft.


 Sonny-Bunny has been a bit trying as of late. He needs to learn about crying "wolf" or in our case "sick". Whenever he doesn't want to do something, he's sick. We've been calling him on it and I think he's getting savvy. I certainly hope so.This is an actual conversation.Sonny-Bunny: I'm so so sick.Mr. Hero and Me: No, you're not.(Pause)SB: I'm so sick.Me: No, you're not.(Pause)SB: I'm sick?Me shaking head. SB mischievously smiles.Any advice on crying wolf solutions would be appreciated.


Finally, from the fragmented files of making me feel like SuperMom.Sonny-Bunny was giving Little Diva a hard time telling her that she couldn't do something when she grew up.Me: It's not your job to smash down all her hopes and imagination.Little Diva: No, that's Mom's job.And there you go. Just call me Mom of the Year AKA smasher of dreams.


Have an awesome weekend and check out other Fragmented Posts at Half Past Kissin' Time.


Sundays in My City #136 - Playing in the Park


Wordless Wednesday #125 -- Happiness Is...