A Star in My Own Universe

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April Fools Day

I am gullible! It's true. It doesn't take a prank kind of day to get me. In fact, April 1st is probably the least easy day to get me because my armor is on.Frankly, I never got pranks. I know this makes me the biggest wet blanket in the history of soaked bed coverings but it is true. It's just like Comic Roasts. They rarely seem funny to me. I am sure there are deep seeded emotional problems behind my lack of joviality on this obviously fun day. Instead of going down those dark and winding halls, I'll look at the dark and winding halls of history.

April Fools Day -- New Years or Another Prank?

I had always heard that when New Year's Day moved from the Julian Calendar (April 1st) to the Gregorian calendar (January 1st), people who still celebrated the April 1st as New Years were considered fools, thus April Fools Day. When I did a little internet research, it seems that it is one of several explanations. therefore, it would be "fool"-ish for me to spout facts like I know. It seems even history doesn't know.But in case you fear I have no sense of humor, here is Bart getting one over on Homer.Whether you prank or not, have a fun Fool's day!