I Save...


What do I save?

About two years ago, the answer to this would be "Everything". I have been riding the line with hoarding collecting for a while now. I had 40-something years of memories and 40-something years of junk. Add to that the memories and junk of my two children. I found meaning in almost everything, so I got rid of nothing.It took me a long time and a few marathon viewings of A&E's "Hoarders" to realize that I wasn't being buoyed by my things but drowning in them. I started shedding things - slowly but I was making progress. Then a very large change came to my family. Hubby started the retirement process and we began to plan for our cross country travels.All of sudden, my slow, methodical purge was set on high gear. We were clearing out of a three bedroom home with a huge storage area to  320 sq. ft. trailer. Whether we gave it away, trashed it, or put it in storage, I was going to have to live with less, much less. And I had to learn to not accumulate more.I thought that it would be tough but I have come to find that I save a lot by not saving. I save time by not saving everything. I save space by not saving everything. I save money by not saving everything.So by not saving, I save. It's a little ironic but in a cool way (not the Alanis Morisette way).What do you save?


I'm joining the Axis of Ineptitude this month. It's not too late to join in the April fun! blogging prompts, April, calendar


Star Reviews -- Kiss Me Organics Dandelion Root Tea


Star Reviews -- Momma Don't You Worry