Friday Fragments #62


Happy Friday! I have been doing my best headless chicken dance so I thought a bit of Fragments was in order. I am in my third state for the week and I am in a state!


I have mentioned my son's obsession with Minecraft. My daughter has developed her own -- "The Sims". If you don't know the game, she creates a little world one person at a time. The people get jobs to earn money and buy things for their homes. While that doesn't sound so bad, here's the rub. If the sim doesn't have enough money, she can buy them things. With. Real. Money.I absolutely refuse to spend real money on fake people.My daughter had a complete and utter meltdown over this. I was cruel. So on and so forth. I must say this is not a fight I imagined ever having.


I usually share the funny things my kids say and here's one for the books.I was talking to my kids and I referenced myself as a writer. Little Diva looks at me semi shocked.LD: You're a writer?Before I could answer, Sonny-Bunny jumped in.SB: Sorta. She's still in training... You know, she's like a puppy but not as a cute.I. Just. Can't. I don't even know where to start with that.


My daughter fell and scraped her knee. She cried out and I ran over to her. I asked her about a band-aid and almost as quickly as she started crying, she stopped. She looked and me and shrugged. "What's life without a few bobos?"What is it, indeed?


Finally, a week ago I attended the Iris Awards at the Mom 2.0 Summit Conference. We were surprised by Andrew McCarthy as M.C. Yes, that Andrew McCarthy -- "Blaine" Andrew McCarthy. This is the best picture I could get. I may have made more than one Pretty in Pink reference.Blaine, Andrew McCarthy, Mom2Summit


That's my Friday Fragments for the week. I wish you all a good weekend even if it comes with a few bobos.Join other Fragments over at Half Past Kissin' Time.


Priscilla and Traci Tackle... Ah, You'll See


What's Happening -- Pollyanna and The Big Bolt