A Star in My Own Universe

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Being Understood Matters

learning disabilities, dyslexia

Life offers us all unique challenges. For my sweet Little Diva, hers include learning disabilities. She is incredibly bright and speaks like a young lady many years her senior but hand her a pencil and ask her to write what she sees on the board and she is lost. At the beginning of second grade, I saw her fall far behind very quickly. This video reflects how I felt...

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Struggling with dysgraphia, dyslexia, and attention issues can be frustrating. Worse, it is often misunderstood. Had LD not had an insightful teacher that saw signs I was missing, she might have continued struggling. Little Diva had begun referring to herself as dumb and cried every time she had homework. About two months in, we began the testing process.

Frankly, it was a relief to get the diagnosis. But then came the next big step -- what to do? Recently, a friend introduced me to Understood.org. Understood is a resource for parents of children with a diagnosis and for those who are still searching for answers. Oh, how I wish I had known of it a year ago!

There is a wonderful tool called Through Your Child's Eye. I've always wanted to understand how LD feels when facing her challenges. The simulations were eye-opening to say the least. Having experienced a bit of her struggles helps me support her better.

understood.org, learning disabilities, dyslexia, ADD

For children with learning and attention issues, the shift to summer break or in our case, the shift to homeschooling, can create havoc. The change in routine can derail progress and potentially cause anxiety. Understood.org also offers summer activities to keep her engaged and avoid "summer loss".I am so excited to find this resource!

I have needed this and I know that there are friends out there who need it, too. If your child is struggling, with or without a diagnosis, I truly recommend this site. Because being understood matters!