Friday Fragments #2


Friday Fragments with StarWell, we made it to week #2 -- yay! Have you collected your thoughts? I am not sure I ever have my thoughts collected but I do have a frag or two to share.


Being online for work and social offers a lot of few odd moments. This is very true with Facebook.FB keeps asking me if it makes sense that a page changed its name. How do I know, Facebook? It's their page, not mine. I get it several times a day in my notifications. For the record, I have never answered this question. Have you seen this in your feed?On another note, Facebook says my marriage is pending. I've been married over 20 years. I hope FB doesn't know something I don't. ;-)facebook, marriage


Onto the old TV, we are still obsessed with "The Whispers". It's actually become an event in our home. Everything stops and the kids cuddle up with us on our bed. We all watch it as a family which is pretty cool. I worried that it might be scary for the kids, but it has actually stimulated great conversations. We have talked about not keeping secrets from Mommy & Daddy and doing what is right even when being pressured to "play the game". It has become appointment television.On another note, so sad to see Sonia Manzano leave Sesame Street. Even at 8 and 11, my kids watch the show. As the show and I were born at the same time, I literally grew up with "Maria" and the SS crew. I loved that my kids were still watching the folks I grew up with.


Speaking of growing up, I turn 44 on Monday. I don't feel old unless I'm tired. Unfortunately, I am tired most days... LOL!Well, this made me feel a little old. 30 years ago, I was watching this movie.Back to the Future, movie, 80s, Michael J. FoxI learned a funny tidbit about the film. There never was supposed to be a sequel. The big "To Be Continued" at the end was a joke mocking the plethora of sequels in the '80s. When the film turned out to be a huge success, however, they joined the very trend they were mocking.


So that's my Friday Fragments. Do you have frags to share? Thanks for joining and keeping the frags alive!