A Star in My Own Universe

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Friday Fragments #7

Friday Fragments with StarIt's the 7th installment of Friday Fragments and it's on the 7th. I hope that means this is a super lucky set of frags. Did you ever carry a rabbit's foot as a kid? They were pretty big when I was in elementary school. Girls would hook them to the belt loops on their jeans. They were brightly colored and I wanted one. My mom never said yes. Looking back, that seems really gross so that's probably a good thing.


I have always been fascinated by repeating numbers. They seem special to me. I love when the time on a digital clock has all the same digits like 5:55. My absolute favorite is 11:11. If I see it, I will yell, "It's 11:11, make a wish!" I have even tweeted it. I've done it enough my family will sometimes call me at that time to tell me to make a wish.


Speaking of repetitive numbers, tomorrow is August 8th or 8-8. In the summer of 1988, my parents took my brothers and I for a 10 day vacation to London. The trip was memorable for many reasons but two stand out. To begin, they were suffering a heat wave. This brought the temperatures to mid-80s. Everyone was apologizing and/or complaining about the weather. This Texan family was laughing. It was the coolest we had been since May! Second was the birth of Princess Beatrice. She was born on 8-8-88. The astrologers and prognosticators were going crazy over this date. Between its literal rarity as a month-day-year match up (or if you're European, day-month-year), it seems there was a lot going on in the skies. She was destined for greatness, it seems. Other than wearing a highly distracting hat to her cousin's wedding, I don't know of any great accomplishments but she still is young. We'll see.More, however, tomorrow is the wedding day of my cousin and her fiancé. They are having a destination wedding in Mill Valley and I am excited to join them. I hope the date proves very lucky and very blessed for them.


So that's my luck for this Friday Have you been lucky this week?  Or did you frag, lucky or not?