A Star in My Own Universe

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Friday Fragments #8

Welcome to Friday Fragments. If you haven’t fragged before, Friday Fragments is a place to share those thoughts, quips, and tidbits that don’t quite make a whole post’ e.g. fragments or frags. I host every Friday and would love for you to join in. Please link up and visit other Fraggers.


Well. it’s Friday. Doing this series has really made me realize just how quickly weeks pass. This has been especially true the last few weeks. I feel like I have been broken apart and put back together several times. There have been highs and lows and highs again. All have served to show me that life is a beautiful journey but a winding one.With this winding journey, I had a beautiful full-circle moment. I am currently visiting San Francisco as a part of our travels. My cousin was married this past weekend in a beautiful ceremony set in the Muir Woods. As life would have it, the location was actually on an ampitheatre stage where I had acted 15 years ago. More, it was across the street from one school and around the corner from another where I taught children drama. The years I was teaching there were very vibrant and hopeful. It was wild to stumble upon them and thus, the memories.

Finally, I will end with a very special moment that San Francisco brought me. Before I left SF, I was friends with a wonderful actress named Claudya. Over the years, we lost track of each other. In 2009, I had just joined Facebook and shortly thereafter, created my first blog 38 and Growing. Via FB, we found each other. After a short time, I emailed her that I had begun a blog and was just now ready to tell friends. She write back that she had a blog, too — Unknown Mami (many Fraggers may remember her as a regular participant). Our friendship grew and deepened over time and the internet. On Wednesday, I saw her for the first time in over 8 years. It was incredible to be with her “IRL” and meet her children for the first time. This was truly a blessing to my life.
@unknownmami, blogging, friends, travel, memories
So that’s it for this week. What happened in your week? Any highs? Lows? I hope you’ll share them with us.