Friday Fragments #10


Welcome to Friday Fragments. If you haven’t fragged before, Friday Fragments is a place to share those thoughts, quips, and tidbits that don’t quite make a whole post, e.g. fragments or frags. I host every Friday and would love for you to join in. Please link up and visit other Fraggers.


Friday Fragments with Star2


Welcome to another collection of the strange things that float through my mind or capture my imagination otherwise known as Friday Fragments.Last week, I bemoaned the loss of good late night TV to the world of infomercials. I have noted, as of late, how they all seem targeted at women and frankly women around my age. There are 3-4 "age-defying" skin product lines among the Nick at Nite competitors. So, I started thinking, "What is age-defying? Is the cream sassy? Does it give 'age' back talk or stay out all night after curfew?"Yep... these are the things that run through my mind at 3:00 a.m. when left to my own defenses and bad television programming.


In two days, this blog will be five years old. My Universe could attend kindergarten and ride the bus. I guess it's my 3rd baby. Though it may never grow up, it does bring me joy and frustrates me much like a child. I probably should do something to celebrate but like many parties in my life, I have waited until to the last minute. Alas...


My daughter had another funny moment the other day. She proclaimed that she was a princess but a "Bad-ass princess". She then realized that she had said "ass" to me. "Sorry, Mommy." I told her in this case, just between the two of us, it was okay. I think being a badass princess is pretty cool. Scratch that, very cool.In fact, I want to be a badass princess!


And to end, these words from Sonny-Bunny, "I'm dying of laughter-ness!"That's my frags for this week. Has anything badass happened to you this week? Did anything make you die of laughter-ness? I hope so. Here's to a week of laughing badass-ery!


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