A Star in My Own Universe

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Friday Fragments #11

Welcome to Friday Fragments. If you haven’t fragged before, Friday Fragments is a place to share those thoughts, quips, and tidbits that don’t quite make a whole post, e.g. fragments or frags. I host every Friday and would love for you to join in. Please link up and visit other Fraggers.


Friday Fragments with Star2It's Friday! Before hubby's retirement and homeschooling, that used to mean something. Friday was the beginning of the weekend to which we all look forward. As Loverboy sang, "everybody's working for the weekend". "TGIF" became more than a phrase, it became a restaurant! ABC lined up all of its family programming with TGIF. In our current life, however, I find myself losing track of what day it is. Good thing, I have my frags or I might not even realize that a week has passed.


Time is a funny thing, we all know. It's long when things are unpleasant and oh, so quick, when we're blissful. But my current wavering connection with days and time has reminded me of a book I read when I was a teen. I used to consume books -- go with out sleep as I got lost in the pages. This was especially so with V.C. Andrews' books. Did you ever read any of her novels? She was most famous for the Flowers in the Attic series but I was also fascinated by a stand alone book called. My Sweet Audrina. If you haven't read the book, it centers on a young girl who is constantly confused by time. I won't ruin the story (because as I remember, it was a great read) but there is a deep undercurrent of secrets behind why time is so elusive to her.It has been so long since I have had gotten lost in a book. I need to remedy that soon...


Lately, the morning news shows have been dominated by articles promising to help you find cash in your closet. As I am all about downsizing these days (and always up for extra cash), I have watched with keen interest. The lead-in teases that families have gotten out of debt along with the feng-shui of a clean home. Then, well-meaning anchors are led by out-of-touch magazine stylists through dream closets where dresses worth hundreds of dollars go to gather dust. I love fashion but if I could afford the clothes they use in demonstration, I wouldn't have to worry about money. Maybe it's just me, but I would be far more interested in how to find extra money in the closet lined with Old Navy and Target. Alas, my hidden cash in the closet is limited to going through pockets for change.


We have been on the west coast for the last month and I have loved it. The weather here is extraordinarily beautiful and much kinder to my chronic illness than 90+ degrees. We are having to shift our plans a lot little and are headed back to Texas tomorrow. Life as a retiree has challenges including financial ones and we are making adjustments as we go.


That's my Friday and my frags. Did you frag this week? If it resulted in hidden cash in your closet, be sure to let me know.And just for fun...
