A Star in My Own Universe

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Friday Fragments #14

Welcome to Friday Fragments. If you haven’t fragged before, Friday Fragments is a place to share those thoughts, quips, and tidbits that don’t quite make a whole post, e.g. fragments or frags. I host every Friday and would love for you to join in. Please link up and visit other Fraggers.


Friday Fragments with Star2Wait! Is it Friday already? I feel like this week needs a snooze button. But as no such thing has been created, let's get to fragging.Do you remember that Adam Sandler film, "Click"? It centers on an overworked dad who gets a remote that allows him to pause time when he's running behind or fast-forward when he's bored. Sounds really tempting right about now, at least the pause part. But, of course, there is a cost to it all in the movie so I guess I'll just have to take time as it comes.


I spent a wonderful weekend in Grapevine, Texas at the Blog Elevated conference. I walked away with new friends and new inspiration. The pause button would have been nice then but not for too long because I was away from my family.


The new season of TV has begun. Do you watch any series regularly? Admittedly, a year ago, I did. My DVR was overrun. I was one of those "oops, I just erased my kids' shows because I ran out of space" people. (Don't judge. Okay, judge. I'm judging myself pretty hard.) After a year on the road with inconsistent TV offerings, however, I am somewhat out of the TV mindset. I enjoyed "The Whispers" over the summer but that doesn't come back until next year. Anything worth my viewing or should I continue my break from TV addiction?


Finally, my daughter told the sweetest thing. We saw a movie that had a pet shop. She turned to me and said "Mommy I don't want to work in a pet shop. If I made a connection with an animal, than I would have to lose them all the time".That just hit my heart. She loves animals so much and makes connections (with animals and people alike) almost immediately. I believe she would cry with each animal leaving.


That's my frags for this week. Maybe they'd be better if I'd had that pause button. What was pause worthy for you this week?