To Infinity and Beyond... Taking #DisneyInfinity 3.0 Out for a Spin
I was provided a Disney Infinity 3.0 for the purpose of this review. The opinions are all mine. It is my Universe, after all.
Do you know what peace looks like? For me, it isn't a handshake at Camp David or a signing at the UN. For me, peace looks like this... Peace is my two children playing together without fighting. That is what Disney Infinity 3.0 has brought me. You might be saying, "Wow, Traci, that's a little hyperbolic!" You would think. However, over the last year, the XBox has become the bane of my existence. Tween boy wants to play all the time but doesn't want to play games his sister can play. This results in a lot of fighting. A. Lot. Of. Fighting. But since we got the Infinity, they actually play together. Nicely. So, no, I am not being hyperbolic.Sonny-Bunny loves Star Wars right now so he was thrilled when this came.
And here's the thing, so was Little Diva. Now she likes Star Wars, too, but she especially liked that the main kit came with a female character. I give the Infinity crew kudos for that. When I was in New York for Blogger Bash, I attended a breakfast hosted by Disney Infinity. There we were told that the team is committed to having a female in all of the starter kits. As a mom of a boy/girl duo, I say thank you!And I like it because my growing-up-way-too-fast son is enjoying a game that isn't violent or have questionable language. No negotiating needed. He likes it. She likes it. I like it. It's a win-win-win.Finally, I love that the new platform will play all the characters from the Infinity 2.0 that they got just last year. As a family on a retired military budget, I get tired of companies creating new platforms that make all the previous games obsolete. The Infinity team lived up to their name by allowing Black Widow, Thor, and Merida to stay and play another day.All in all, I would give a big thumbs up to Disney Infinity 3.0!
Some of you may have seen our YouTube video but in case you missed it, here is their reaction to receiving the Infinity. It's pretty fun...That may have been my greatest moment as a blogger, by the way. They were seriously happy. I feel totally lucky that I was given this chance to try the new Disney Infinity.