A Star in My Own Universe

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Friday Fragments #16

Welcome to Friday Fragments. If you haven’t fragged before, Friday Fragments is a place to share those thoughts, quips, and tidbits that don’t quite make a whole post, e.g. fragments or frags. I host every Friday and would love for you to join in. Please link up and visit other Fraggers.
Friday Fragments with Star2
This has been an up and down week for me. I feel more fragmented than usual which is saying a lot! On Monday, we got our taxes filed after I spent the whole weekend retracing my steps across an entire year. I should start on 2015 to avoid such an event next year but, well... yeah, I'll get right on that.
On Tuesday, my gal pal Priscilla from Wheelchair Mommy and I hosted our first blab. If you're not familiar with blab, it is a fun place to play talk show host. Friends and followers can ask to hop in -- just like on The Tonight Show. Well, not "just like", but close enough for us. Priscilla and I talked thrifting and shared our favorite tips. This was definitely an up for the week. We had so much fun that we are going to try to do a regular show. If you would like to see the Ethel to my Lucy... or is she the Lucy to my Ethel? Frankly, we may both be "Lucy"s, anyways if you want to see two goofy gals having fun talking... check us out!
Wednesday was a tough day, a really tough day. It was the 20th anniversary of my brother's death. It hit me harder than I expected. I shared more here.
I don't follow sports at all much but I am very excited by the Astros making it to the Playoffs. I enjoy the excitement that builds when a hometown team succeeds. (Sadly, it is not a feeling Houstonians know all that well.) I even got out my childhood pillow, circa 1976.
Astros, baseball, playoffs
I posted an update on our travels (or current lack thereof) over at Star Family Travels.
Finally, I will end with a funny. Often I share the humor of Little Diva but this week, Sonny-Bunny provided a good laugh. My daughter was watching "Ghost Hunters" with her dad. My son comes into the room and quips, "Oh yeah. Ghost Hunters. It's like Ghostbusters but failing everyday of your life."
Hubby and I were dying!
That's my frags for the week. What have been your ups or downs?