Getting Back to My Universe


Those of you who have followed me over the last year know that as my 5th Star blogiversary came and went, I struggled with whether I should continue blogging. I had lost a lot of the joy and felt stifled by all the things I was "supposed" to do. With the support of many of you, I made the decision that I would continue blogging but by my own rules. With the new year, I feel inspired to get my blog on and with some renewed vision of why I do it.blogging, new year, 2016Consistency and authenticity are what I am about in 2016. I am weird and slightly scattered and the blog will still reflect that. This year, however, there may just be a method to my madness. I want to follow my passions which include thrifting, acting, travel, my family, and living the life for which I was born. I hope to inspire occasionally and always be interesting. Fun would be good, too. Warning: pictures of my kids and dog are still coming. And Friday will remain fragmented.

2016: Good Things Will Happen

 I hope you will help me make 2016 my best year yet as I rediscover my voice. It is my Universe, after all and it is time for me to shine again.


Are you ready to shine?


Beg, Borrow, or Thrift Tuesday -- Budget Look Book #1


Sundays in My City #144 -- Happy New Year!