Friday Fragments #29


Friday Fragments with Star2Welcome to another installment of Friday Fragments. It's where I share all those little thoughts, quips, and stories too short for a full post. Have a few of those yourself? Link below with yours!


It's the 15th day of 2016! This means that the quickly accelerating year machine is in full gear and it's my friend Priscilla's aka @wheelchairmommy birthday. She's my #BLAB partner-in-crime and fellow thrifter. I'd love for you to send her a birthday tweet!


R. I. P.

Two icons lost this week -- both 69 and English and both lost to cancer.RIP, Alan Rickman, actorAlan Rickman's work as an actor touched me on many levels and inspired me to be a better actress. And that was before he embodied Snape!#bowieforever, #starmanBowie -- oh, Bowie! There are not enough words to describe Bowie's impact. Beyond his absolute gorgeousness and two different eyes, he was an extraordinary talent and the most innovative rocker to grace the stage. He was the voice for the awkward teenager that dreamed of evolving into a thing of beauty like him, the voice of Rebel, Rebels everywhere who really only wanted to be swans instead of ugly ducklings. In other words, he was my voice.RIP Alan Rickman and David Bowie - you will both be missed.


From the files of funny things my daughter says:She was working to clean up a baby doll that had some ink on it. I told her that alcohol often could get ink off plastic. I suggested she ask her Nana (with whom we are staying) for some. She ran out into the hall yelling, "Nana, do you have any alcohol?" After a beat, she adds, "Not the kind for drinking!"Yep, just call me "Mother of the Year".  :-)And from our struggle over using proper English in all of its quirkiness...

Little Diva: It’s doing it really good.
Me: Really well...
LD: Aargh! English can be awful!
She tickles me on a daily basis.

That's my frags for the week. Has something tickled or saddened you this week?I wish you a wonderful Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday weekend.  May we all remember in this tumultuous and sometimes ugly political season to remember to light a candle rather than curse the darkness.
