A Star in My Own Universe

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Friday Fragments #30

Welcome to Friday Fragments! In case, you just stumbled upon us, Friday Fragments is a place to share all those funny thoughts, quips, and reflections from the week. I hope you will link up with us and share!


Friday Fragments with Star2


It has been a busy week. I have had a sick kid, celebrated with friends, honored Dr. King, and traveled to three different cities! If I sound tired, it is because I am. The good news is, it has provided me with great fragging opportunities!To start, my best friend of 35 years and I saw "Sisters". This movie is hilarious (OBVIOUS -- it stars two of the funniest women in the world) and it is a perfect film for a girls' night. She and I laughed and squealed and laughed some more.She did not want me to post the pic I begged her to take with me. She is a teacher and not a blogger so her need to share everything in this format is much lower than mine. I will honor that but mentally you can insert a best friend selfie here!


My son got a "big boy" haircut. He actually sat in the chair and talked to the stylist for 15 minutes before she cut and now he looks so grown up to me. He has also begun telling me that he will be driving in three years -- aack! My response is usually to scream "don't say that!" and run out of the room. Because I am mature like that.Along the same line, e.g. my AMAZING parenting skills, my son has become obsessed with "your momma" jokes. I find them very offensive and usually stop them mid -joke. That said, I had one of those terrible moments when I found myself laughing when I knew I shouldn't. Usually this happens when my angel-looking daughter starts talking like a sailor. (Again, I am so winning at this parent thing!) But this time, I laughed..."Your momma is so dumb, she put a quarter in each ear and thought she was listening to 50cent"Yes. Judge. It's okay. I am judging myself. Especially as I am laughing again writing it out.


On a different note, because clearly I need some redemption, Little Diva has another phrase that grabs my heart every time -- "may you please". I don't know when she developed this particular syntax but I love it. When she needs something, that's how she starts the sentence. "Mommy, may you please..."


I have been fighting migraines lately which along with my fatigue and chronic illness has knocked me down a bit. I am already behind on several regular posts I was going to be consistent with this year. Normally I would beat myself up about that but I am trying to be kinder to myself as it is not helpful.That said, my little girl decided to cheer me up yesterday by making me "lunch". I share it on IG but it's worth another look.gift, mommyhoodSo maybe I am not doing everything wrong -- oh and just to make sure I leave you with a happy feeling. That is soda, not wine! ;-)


Have a wonderful week. Whether you feel like you are winning at parenting or just winning like Charlie Sheen, I hope the week has brought you reasons to smile. 
