A Star in My Own Universe

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Friday Fragments #39 -- Searching for Silver Linings

Friday Fragments with Star2 If the clouds are filled with silver linings, this was a week if mining for them.To start...

I'm back!!!

After two days down and a lot of tears and key taps, this Star is back in her own Universe. My site had malware that was using an old post as a spam generator. Boo! To the person who did this, use those skills for something positive. What you did was not kind. But as I was raised not to say anything if I can't say something nice, I will leave it there.


Speaking of nice, the gals on The View discussed the difference between nice and kind. The consensus was that "nice" was usually disingenuous or shallow. I have always prided myself on being nice. I like being nice. I certainly hope people don't think I am fake because of it.What do you think? Is "nice" bad?


I had my mammogram this week. Never a fun experience but I had the loveliest nurse. She called me the next day to give me the all clear. Such a little thing but so huge, especially as I had a scare last year. I am thankful for Dominique and her effort to ease my mind.


It's Good Friday. Whether you celebrate Easter or not, I wish you a healthy silver-lined weekend!