A Star in My Own Universe

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Friday Fragments #40 -- Friday Fool's

april, fools, spring Happy Friday! It's April 1st which means it's April Fool's Day and time for another installment of Friday Fragments.


First, I most say that I am pleased that this set of frags will actually be on Friday as I was seriously derailed last week. To those of you who might have come and wondered where I was, I was temporarily taken down after finding malware on my site. I have since dealt with the problem and am back! Yeah, that's right I'm back, baby. And as a long time Elton John lover, I can't help but hear "The B*#@h is Back" in my head. Though I certainly hope that name is never used to describe me!


Can you believe it is April? It must be true that the older you get, the faster the time goes. An entire season of the year has passed seemingly in a flash. And yet, when waiting in a doctor's office or the like, I feel like I watch the seconds tick on my watch eternally slow. Okay, I check the clock on my iPhone about twelve times a minute but you get the point. Pre-digital life was much more lyrical, wasn't it?


So April 1st is called All Fool's Day. According to history.com, it was popularized in England as a day in 1700. The day became one to celebrate pranksters and practical jokes. Anyone with a younger brother or children is probably familiar with that. In my home, it has long been the day wherein I ignore various pieces of paper being taped to my back. Alas, the burden of motherhood.


We are on the verge of a lot of changes in our life. We have decided to stop traveling and put down roots which means looking to buy a house for the first time. If ever something can make one feel like a fool, it is the house buying process. It is a roller coaster of ups and downs, falling in love and losing love in quick turnabout. I keep praying that the right house will come at the right time and the right price. I thought we found it but evidently it wasn't the one. If you can cross your fingers or say a prayer, I would really appreciate it.


And proof I will do anything to make sure you read to the bottom, here is my daughter's prank on me. She painted my face with food coloring! My budding Picasso...April, fool


So that's my Friday. May you have a wonderful Friday, foolish or no.Friday Fragments with Star2