A Star in My Own Universe

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Friday Fragments #47

Hello Friday! Welcome to another installment of Friday Fragments. It's been a week of bumped heads, birthdays, deaths, and I organized a drawer. Let's get to it...



First and foremost, I have to wish a very happy birthday to my MIL.birthdayWe love you very much!


Yesterday an EgyptAir flight went down. Another heartbreaking loss that reminds me how precious life is. I send my prayers to all those affected by this tragedy.Also, an amazing journalistic titan died. Just a week after exiting the show that made him a house hold name, Morley Safer passed away yesterday. R.I.P. Morley, Sunday night TV will never be the same.R.I.P., 60 Minutes


This week, we crossed an unpleasant threshold in our family. Little Diva made her first trip to the E.R. It was bound to happen. I am, frankly, a little surprised that we made it this long. Tuesday night, she was running down the hall. (You know, in the way we scream for her not to do. Every. Single. Day.) She slipped and hit her head on the door jam. Immediately, a huge blue bump developed right above her temple alongside a two inch scratch.As my husband and I are debating whether or not it warranted a trip to the emergency room, she starts bawling even more that she doesn't want to go to sleep because she doesn't want to die. Poor little thing. She's so smart and knows so much beyond her years. She had learned that going to sleep with a concussion can cause a coma and/or death. That tipped the scale and to the E.R. we went.In her sleep t-shirt, wrapped in Monster High blanket with an ice pack, we bundled her up into the car. I sat in the back seat with her, trying to convince her she would be fine. By the time we got to the hospital, the swelling had gone way down. Hubby and I again considered going home then, but she really wanted to see a doctor. We checked in and sat. We sat for 15 minutes before triage. We then sat for two more hours. Luckily, they had the Disney Channel. After "Stuck in the Middle". "K.C. Undercover", "Jessie", and "Austin and Ally", we were all at our breaking point. The whole time, she was talkative and her eyes clear. We returned to the triage nurse and with her guarded okay, it was agreed that the best thing would probably be to go home.I promised her that I would wake her up every three hours. After going to bed at 12:30, I woke up at 3:30 to check on her which I did. She woke up at 6:00 am and asked me why I didn't wake her up before. I managed not to laugh and felt confident that we had made the right decision.Needless to say, she's fine and back to running down the hall. When will they learn?


Finally, I am on an organization bender. I did the Kondo-style folding on my tops and it made me ridiculously happy. I even shared the pic on Instagram.Instagram, Kondo, Tidying Up


That's my Friday. I am now headed to swim with the dolphins. Yep, it's true, but that's for another day. Also, I shared my struggles with Writer's Block this week. You can check it out here.Have a great week! If you haven't fragged before, please join us. Gather all those little tidbits, quips, and thoughts from across the week and share them in post. I host a linky every week.