Checking Off the Bucket List at Discovery Point


Do you have a Bucket List? I have had an informal one for many years. It has varied over time and included items of questionable realistic possibility. One entry, however, has remained on all the incarnations -- swimming with the dolphins. Well, last week, thanks to SeaWorld San Antonio, I have one less item on my list.bucket list, dolphins

I was invited to attend the Discovery Point Media Day. I received no other compensation.The opinions are mine. It is my Universe, after all.

I have always wanted to swim with dolphins. I have loved them for as long as I can remember and it has been my dream to grab a fin and take a whirl. The beautiful new Discovery Point at SeaWorld San Antonio offers that very opportunity.After months of construction, SeaWorld has opened its latest and greatest animal experience. Discovery Point provides up close views of these magnificent creatures in their new, larger dolphin pool. SeaWorld has always believed that education leads to conservation and Discovery Point is a huge new chapter in that mission. Take the walk below the pool and you can find incredible underwater views.Amazing, right? I know I sound crazy excited but that is because I was crazy excited! And it gets better. Discovery Point offers interactive experiences with the dolphins, including... yes, swimming with the dolphins!!! With a couple of my favorite bloggers Debra from A Frugal Friend and Dawn from The Frugal Mom, I had the experience of a lifetime.discovery point, SeaWorld

Bucket List -- Check!

It was everything I hoped. They are gentle and affectionate. And FAST! I could have stayed in that pool all day.

I swam with the dolphins!!!

dolphins, bucket listYou can experience it, as well. Discovery Point is now open. I can't tell you how awesome this moment was for me. You will just have to experience it yourself!


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