Friday Fragments - Drowning in High Water and Housewives
Happy Friday! It's June. Welcome to this week's Fragments - my place to gather all my thoughts from the week. And what a week!I have to start with the rain.And by rain, I mean "Hey, has anyone seen Noah?" rain.
It has dominated much of our week. Sadly, people have lost their lives. Unfortunately, we are expecting a great deal more. The chorus of 'Tomorrow' keeps playing in my head. "The sun will come out..." some day.
Okay, full disclosure. I need an intervention. I have never watched an episode of the Kardashians or 'The Bachelor' but I have developed a problem with the Housewives. I thought I had it under control. I thought it was limited to Beverly Hills. That only took up 11 weeks of the year. That seemed acceptable. But no... now I have found myself sucked into both New York and Orange County. What the heck??? I blame OnDemand. I never used to be around to see the show but with Bravo OnDemand, I can binge on it. Right now, I am losing myself in the world of Bethanny and someone who calls herself the countess.What is it about rich, botoxed women fighting that is so intoxicating? Half the time, they are fighting over whether they are fighting. And yet, I cannot turn it off.Is there a 12 Step program for this. Please take the remote from my hand. I can't stop myself!
My daughter had a Housewives worthy moment this week. I had just finished getting ready when this happened.Little Diva walks in the room. She sees me and says, "What are you doing with your hair? Not that, I hope."And then I redid my hair. (Some days, having an honest child stinks.)Mike down.
This week, we also celebrated my nephew turning 13 and my grandmother was honored by her church as a member of the Over-90 set. Despite the rain, and the cat fights, it was a great week.How was your week?