A Star in My Own Universe

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Friday Fragments #51 -- Too Many Frags, Too Little Time

Friday Fragments with Star2Happy Friday! Last week, I missed a Friday Fragments for the first time in a year. Frankly, life was just too much. Even when your blog is telling the story of your life, life can be too much to tell.Here's the recap since my I last fragged:That Saturday night, my SIL was hit by a drunk driver. She's okay, just sore. Her car was not as lucky. It had to be towed away. Mostly, we were scared for her. Few things are worse than a phone call at 2:00 am. I am thankful it was not much, much worse.On Monday, we learned we were not going to get the house in which we had fallen in love. That was a tough blow. Buying a house is not for wimps.Two days after that, my MIL was hospitalized. I am thankful to say that she is finally home but it was very frightening.Following that incredibly stressful five days, we got back in our trailer and headed west for a family reunion. So yeah... I was not up to posting last week.


But this is a new Friday. And things are looking a lot brighter.We spent the weekend celebrating family in the hills of San Marcos. I shared a few pictures of the beautiful countryside on my Instagram, but this picture of my girl walking with her beloved cousin was my favorite by far.family, loveMuch better to share, right?And one can't go to San Marcos in 95 degree weather and not tube down the river. That is exactly what we did. It was the first time for the kids and the water was perfect! I'm sitting here still sunburn but very happy. Here's my PSA - remember to pack the sunscreen with you on the tube. Otherwise, the carefully applied sunscreen wears off after about an hour and you are stuck on the river burning. Like a peppermint I went from white to red. OUCH!Other than some pink skin, however, it has been a much better week with far happier frags to share.


How have your last two weeks treated you?