A Star in My Own Universe

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Friday Fragments #54 -- Beachhouses, Bashes, & Biting the Big Apple

It's Friday, welcome to my fragging world!It's been a big week with travel and meeting up with old friends but I can't not begin with a nod to the terrible events happening in France right now. After the horrible week we had last week, it is so easy to get down. I still believe that most people are good and that good will win.Now onto my frags...Friday Fragments with Star2Update on the home front -- we have a house!!!! One of our heartbreaks turned into happiness. A house on which we were outbid came back on the market and we got it. It's a gorgeous turnkey house and it feels like all the problems we had were so we would get this house. Of course, we have a month until closing but right now I am a happy homeowner-to-be.

From Wow to Frantic to Awww!

All of this happened super fast, however, causing a lot of craziness. We were told on Thursday night that the house would be back. We wrote a contract on Friday, got a counter on Saturday, and accepted on Sunday. On Monday, we finalized the contract. Tuesday morning, I caught a plane to NY. I do not recommend this. All day Tuesday, I was fielding calls, emails, and texts from a frantic hubby about the loans, etc. That said, he handled it like a champ.


Now why was I in New York? I was attending Blogger Bash. Much more is coming but I have to say, it was A-mazing!!! I stayed with a fabulous friend, met many great bloggers, and did I mention NYC? Stay tuned for the Full Bash Monty!IMG_1529That's my frags for this week! So much to follow but for now... I need sleep.

Happy weekend, all!