Make-It-Better Monday

Today is Motivation and Inspiration Day. It was a day established 15 years ago in the wake of the 9/11 tragedy to inspire Americans to come together. As I mentioned yesterday, I am committing to bringing kindness to the world in whatever little ways in which I am able. So in honor of that and the day, I am introducing Make-It-Better Monday.motivation, make-it-better, kindnessI want to do better and like most, I want to leave a positive mark on the world. When I was young, I thought I would grow up to be famous and, therefore, this would be easy because I would have lots of money and people wanting to help. I am realizing, however, that there is still so much we can do; every day in many small and big ways.As a kid, I adored the MDA Telethons hosted by Jerry Lewis on Labor Day It wasn't because of Ben Vereen, Aretha Franklin, half the cast of "Love Boat" or even Frank Sinatra in 1980. I was a sucker for watching all of those $5, $10, $50 donations add up. At the age of 11, my dad let me call to make our pledge of $25 and I waited three hours without leaving the TV to see our family name scroll across the bottom of the screen.I lived for that finale and the big tally. I would cry every time. It taught me that when everyone gives what they can, collectively we make a difference. In the days of mega-celebrity, it is easy to lose of sight of the value we all bring to the table. So I have a question...

How can I make-it-better?

I am asking you to challenge me. What can I make better for you? How I can light a candle in the world? Please share your ideas. Because I have to believe that all of us can make a difference.I'll admit it, it's scary to offer this. I may fail. I may let you down. But I promise I will do my best to make it better.


Wordless Wednesday - Love is with us


Let's Take a Cup of Kindness