A Star in My Own Universe

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Make It Better Monday - Celebrating the Dream

When I began Make-It-Better Monday, I got such great feedback for the idea of bringing positivity and love to 2017. I am still struggling, I will not shy away from that (I didn't choose Brave as my word for nothing). On this auspicious day, however, I am reminded that our history is forged by those facing the seeming impossible.make better, motivation, make-it-better, kindnessSo in honor of this day, I sought to find the right words to share all my feelings. I kept coming back to this speech. I have no better words than these. We may not be there yet but as long as the dream is alive, it can still be achieved.If you haven't sat down and listened to the whole speech in a while, I highly recommend it. There is so much wisdom here, so much beauty, so much love, so much strength, and yes, so much bravery.Thank you, Dr. King, for showing us what leadership looks like. May I do my part to make that bad check good. May I raise my children to build the bridges that make the promised land a reality for all children. May we all work together to make those crooked roads straight and let freedom ring.It is easy to look at these problems as so long-standing, so overwhelming that I can do nothing to make it better. I no longer accept that as reality. I am here to be an ally to all who wish for justice, and equality no matter color, creed, gender, or who they love.

Am I living the Dream?

I am here to accept my responsibility. I have lived a life of hoping to do no harm but what good have I done? Have I made things better? Have I created space for others to tell their story and I listen? Have I stood in the line of fire so those who dodge bullets daily have safe harbor in my presence?The answer is no.I am committing to the dream. Not just the glorious vision of our children hand in hand in the Promised Land. I am committing to  standing in the halls of Justice and demand that we make good on the promise of this land.And one day, we will get there. Free at last. Free at last. Thank God, Almighty, free at last.MLK, MLK Day, Dr. King, dream