Tuesday Help - Do You Have Braplems?

It's Tuesday and I have a question, "do you have braplems?" I know, a little personal, but for real. Do you have braplems?I often do. I have a very short distance between shoulder and let's just say... my tip. Keeping straps where they should creates issues. Remember Carol Burnett as Mrs. Wiggins. She would spend half of her work time pulling up her straps under her blouse. Sound familiar? Certainly does to me.braplems, bra And that is NOT including what happened to the old girls with two children and breastfeeding. But I shall leave that strongly in the TMI lane.

Thirdlove offered this cute and informative graphic and I said, "absolutely".As always, the opinions are mine, It is my Universe, after all.

So when the folks at Thirdlove contacted me offering a braplems solution chart, I said, "heck, yeah, I'll share it". Now I might normally add a little more color to my language than "heck, yeah" but I'm trying to keep it professional here. Yep, that's me. SUPER professional.Anyways, back to the help. If you have breasts and statistics show that over half of us do, you probably have braplems. (Yes! Braplems - for bra problems - you guys know how much I love a pun so you know I love it. A lot!)

Solve your Braplems!

bra, braplemsThirdlove looks to address fitting issues and actually allows you to try a bra for 30 days which I think is awesome. I look forward to trying it out myself. And as they want you to try it out, they are sharing a discount code with my stars! BRABLEMSJAN15ThirdLove looks to address fitting issues and actually allows you to try a bra for 30 days which rocks!If you try it out, please come back and let me know how if you love Thirdlove.


So what are your braplems?


WH Austin - Pollyanna Theatre's Homeschool Curriculum


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