A Star in My Own Universe

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Holy Harvey!!!

I am overwhelmed right now.Overwhelmed with...waterfeargriefgratitude.Hurricane Harvey hit Southeast Texas with a fury worthy of Athena. If the words "Release the Cracken" were echoing over the waves, I would not have been surprised. we are surrounded by damage and friends are tearing out carpet and sheetrock.But we have been spared so much of this horror.Our beautiful little coastal home survived with very few issues. The words "thank you" seem so poor in face of the immensity of gratitude I feel but they are all I have.Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.I am praying daily for all those who lost so much. And with Irma's approach, I am praying for those in her wake.I know we all feel overwhelmed whether we are in a Hurricane zone or not. Take care of yourselves and help as you are able. And remember, prayers are free.