There's An Emoji for That
I admit to occasionally feeling too old for emojis. I use them, of course, but I usually limited them to the same four or five. Mostly smiley face varieties and the thumbs up. Frankly, I thought the poop emoji was chocolate pudding until my daughter corrected me. Thank goodness I did not send it to anyone! LOL! I guess I should insert a laughing until crying face right here. Is there a name for that one? Probably.That said, my children know and love all emojis. My daughter has written entire stories in emojis. Seriously. Therefore, they have been super excited to see "The Emoji Movie". While I may not have carried as much enthusiasm as they, I always like to watch what they are watching. So, two nights ago, I joined them in following the experiences of a "Meh" who wanted to be so much more.
I was provided a copy of "The Emoji Movie" for the purpose of this review.All opinions are mine. It is my Universe, after all.
On its face, Emoji is about Gene who doesn't fit the mold as a single faced emotion. He joins his friend, Hi-5, and a tough coding cookie, JailBreak, to become "normal." Along the way, they save the day and the world of Textopolis. There is a little more there, however. It is a story about Square Pegs or in this case round faces finding their way in a world that rather they fit into easily labeled boxes and learning to be themselves. And to express themselves.My daughter loved, Loved, LOVED it
As she is something of a Square Peg or my StarGirl, this makes me happy.
And anything that stimulates healthy conversation about self-confidence and being yourself makes me really happy.
An Emoji Giveaway
I am also happy to say that I get to share this experience plus a whole lot of fun with one of my readers. Check out this prize pack:I mean, how cute!?!? My daughter wants that Poop/Pudding pillow so much!And my readers know that I always do easy-breezy giveaways. Take a moment to share a comment below and tell me what emojis are running around your home. On Monday, October 30th, I will randomly choose a winner. In the mean, I have a fun share with all my readers - cute coloring pages. Enjoy!!!