Light Up the Night with Super Wubble Brite

My kids are getting bigger. No doubt about it. Son has out grown me and my daughter is catching up quickly.With that, I am seizing any moment that involves them just playing.  As shown last summer with the Water Wubble, my daughter loves the Wubbles and the Super Wubble Brite was no exception!

I received compensation and the product for review.All opinions are mine. It is my Universe, after all.

wubble brite, play, kids, sponsored

Fun with the Super Wubble Brite

First, she loved the size! It was about half of her. Second, she loved how it changed color, as is probably pretty obvious with her face with each change. Even big brother got involved and thought it was cool but the resulting tug of war was not worthy of photographing, trust me. However, for those with older kids, "Yes, the 14-year old liked it".The Wubbles have always been hits in our house and the Super Wubble Brite holds true to that reputation. So if you have kids that are growing up way too fast, which basically means you have kids, the Super Wubble Brite provides a few of those special moments of play.wubble brite, wubble, play, kids, sponsoredIs that a happy girl, or what? Sorry, Super Wubble Brite, but I think her smile is just a little bit brighter!


It’s squishable and squashable, like the Wubbles you know, but Super Wubble Brite puts on a serious light show.  Super Wubble Brite goes from red to blue to green and all the colors in between.  Made from the new super strong, super stretchy Xpandium. Super Wubble Brite starts out small, then inflates super tall so you can squeeze it, bounce it, and dance with it, all with the lights out.

A big thank you to Super Wubble Brite for the fun. And if you'd like to join in, we have a Giveaway.a Rafflecopter giveaway


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