A Star in My Own Universe

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Wherever I Go, My Monday Motivation

Today, I needed some Monday Motivation. And I don't mean the hijacked version of #MondayMotivation for extreme political postings. I mean true, blue get me going for the morning, Monday motivation.I am yet again at a fork in the road. So often in my life when I believe that I am on a path, THE path, the road proves itself to be even longer and more winding.It has felt painful and confusing. To say otherwise would be a lie, as much to myself as to you. I went to a dark place. Even unicorns can get lost sometimes.I also know, however, that I have never been left standing alone for long. Every time a void has developed in my life, a rush of opportunity, purpose, and joy has rushed in to fill it.This wave has not yet fully materialized but I choose to believe that it is coming. If I had watched more than one episode of Game of Thrones, I could make a cute pun here, but alas... Anyway, the point is I am a stubborn optimist. But as I reflected in my last post, being Pollyanna can be exhausting. I am 47 and I am a little tired. And by "a little", I mean bone-deep exhausted. Part of the miracle of my journey is how many places it has taken me. Somedays, however, it feels like my life's marathon has been at mile 20 for a long time.So back to my need for a little Monday pick-me-up beyond my enormous cup of coffee. In looking for advice on paths and journeys, I came across this gem. Too often limited to tiny, cookie-wrapped papers, Confucious' wisdom still holds up.#MondayMotivation, Monday Motivation, wisdom, inspiration, ConfuciusWherever you go, go with all your heart.So this Monday, I am committing to that. As I turn yet another corner, blind to what is behind the bend, I am going all in. I will trip. I will fall. If the last two weeks have anything to say, I will get a black eye, break my toe and chip a tooth. Yes, all of those things happened in the last fortnight and in three separate incidents. But wounds aside, I will step into the next void. I might just need a little nap beforehand.