A Letter to My Son


Dear Precious Boy,

Last night, you crawled into my bed, and while your length exceeded mine by half a foot, you seemed as small as the toddler boy who had just had a nightmare. You nuzzled into my neck and whispered how tough everything is and how much a failure you felt. Oh, sweet boy, your life has only begun. It will be tougher than you know, but you will succeed in ways you can never imagine.

teenage angst, teen boy, teen mom, teen, fear, failure

Today, you see yourself as a small dingy, blasted by the waves, close enough to the shore to see its comforts but far enough out to know that the seas are waiting to overtake you. You cannot imagine the mighty seafarer you will become and the amazing adventures that life holds for you when you venture further away from the shore.

But I see it all.

Look to the Stars, My Son

That is the gift I have to give you. In small recompense to the gift God gave me in you, He has given me a compass and an unbroken view of your North Star. While you cannot see the great abundance in your future, I can, Your night looks dark but it is alit with stars to guide you if you will only look up.

But until your eyes can lift, for they are so heavy at 15, I shall carry you forth. It is so easy at this age to believe that the slightest error, the smallest failing will forever leave you adrift. As you look back, however, you will find that those moments were actual corrections on the map that is uniquely yours. One day, you will have your own compass and find the path to your life's journey, but until then, trust in me. Until you can trust yourself to venture away, I will be a lighthouse shooting a beacon to you leading you both away and back home.

my son, my teen son, my teen boy, fear, failure

You will conquer the seas and I look to the day you return to regale me with your triumphs. Those days will come. You cannot see them through the fog, but I am blinded by the gleam of your fortune.

Until then, my son, hold my hand just a little longer. I will put on my sunglasses and lead us both into the light.


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