I Am on a Voyage to the BRIGHT Side


When I woke up this morning I was not shining. I have been sick - flu sick. I missed most of Christmas, my favorite time of the year and I was sitting in the shadows of this nether land between the holidays and starting a new year.

This is the time that John Lennon's voice runs on repeat asking me what have I done. I take stock of the year and find it has gone too fast. Many things went undone. And I was just about to settle in that lowly place known as the unfinished to-do list when I opened my email. And among those bold faced Unread items sat a reminder of what I had done.

A month ago, I was asked to be a part of an Inspirational Series in Voyage Houston Magazine. Me? Inspirational? UH...

I almost didn't respond as I feared that I wasn't worthy. And then I remembered that my word for this waning year was Courage, so I said yes. And today's email was the link to the article. I could not be more honored.

Houston’s Most Inspiring Stories

I talked about my journey of blogging and how I am growing into the person I am meant to be through types and taps. My online life has taught me to shine in my real life as it is - not how I thought it should have been or how it should be. This is my life now and it is not a dress rehearsal.

Are you ready to shine brightly in this new year?

January 1st is not only a new day. Or the start of a new month. It's not even simply the beginning of another new year. It is a new decade.

Take that in. It's the twenties. Will it be roaring? Who knows, but for me it will be BRIGHT.

Join me as we voyage into this new dawn. We can all shine like a morning star. You get one go at this life and I believe that you and I can brighten our little corners. And that matters. It matters a lot. Imagine a world where each person removed the cap from their light like the Ghost of Christmas Past in Dickens.

How will you let your BRIGHT side shine on this voyage?

I have not always let this light shine. Years ago in acting school, the director told me that she always felt I was holding back just a little. Especially when it counted like my showcase or in a big audition. She was right. But it is not too late.

The time to embark is now.

It is time; sails full with the wind at our backs New adventures await as new worlds ask to be discovered. Are you with me?

I'm sailing away set an open course for the virgin sea
I've got to be free free to face the life that's ahead of me
On board I'm the captain so climb aboard
We'll search for tomorrow on every shore
And I'll try oh Lord I'll try to carry on

-STYX, 1977

A big thanks to Voyage Houston for inspiring me to let my light shine across your pages.


Let's Make it a Bright New Year


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