You get one life, why not star in it?

Being Understood Matters
Mommyhood Traci Shannon Mommyhood Traci Shannon

Being Understood Matters

Life offers us all unique challenges. For my sweet Little Diva, hers include learning disabilities. She is incredibly bright and speaks like a young lady many years her senior but hand her a pencil and ask her to write what she sees on the board and she is lost.

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The Mommy Walk of Shame
Mommyhood Traci Shannon Mommyhood Traci Shannon

The Mommy Walk of Shame

As a college gal, a walk of shame meant wearing home the clothes you went out in the night before. The short dress that looked ideal for dancing seems garish in the morning light. The smokey bedroom eyes, previously slaved over, are now streaked down the cheeks. But that was before marriage and kids. I now have a very different walk of shame. It is, however, no less humiliating.

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My Life is Not a Pinterest Page
Mommy Wars, Mommyhood Traci Shannon Mommy Wars, Mommyhood Traci Shannon

My Life is Not a Pinterest Page

I think it is human nature to try to shine the most positive light on our lives. With social media that need goes on steroids. So often I share the pictures of smiling kids at fun places while I have deleted 50 of them pouting. And that doesn't touch the moments when they wouldn't even get in the picture because they were having a fit.

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