I’ve Unleashed My Wanderlust: Discovering Solo Travel

So, here’s a confession. I have never traveled alone. But many of my friends have and they tell me how empowering it is. Now that I am solidly in the sixth decade of life I am ready to venture into this realm of travel - the exhilarating world of solo travel. So I thought I would take you with me on a deep dive into the kind of soul-stirring, solo vacations that every globetrotter (or wannabe) should be brave enough to embrace at least once.

This post may contain affiliate links. All opinions are mine.
It is my Universe, after all.

#1. Freedom!

First, we get to call all the shots. Want to spend your entire afternoon in that quirky museum? Sure thing. I like to take my time and read ALL the cards. (Seriously, are you surprised?) Want to visit somewhere like Boardwalk Resorts Flagship and spend all afternoon in luxury? It’s totally up to you! Feel like jetting off to a different city last minute? Fly, baby, fly. Solo traveling lets you take the reins and truly follow your winds of whimsy.

Enjoy traveling solo

#2. Living Like A Local

Traveling solo opens doors to truly authentic experiences. Picture this: sitting in a cozy café, laughing with the barista about hidden local spots, or you're off the beaten path, finding yourself in the midst of a lively local festival.

This is truly the part that excites and scares me.

The beauty of it? You get to delve deep into the culture, bargaining at markets in local lingo or even scoring an invite to a family dinner just because you lent a hand. This isn't just traveling; it's about becoming a part of the community, maybe even picking up a bit of the local accent on your way! Now, the actress in me is all over this.

#3. Discovering YOU

Going solo in a strange land makes you think. How could it not?

It gives you a deeper look into who you are. It's like therapy, but a whole lot cheaper. Well, maybe… Depends on if you choose the Hilton or the Four Seasons, but I have taken the train off the tracks. (see what I did there, Did you like the travel metaphor? Not so much, since I had to ask… So judgy. 😜 🤣)

Anyways, you come back with more than a suitcase full of souvenirs, but a better understanding of yourself.

Unleash your wanderlust

#4. Allow for Surprises

And since we're all about solo travel, let's chat about picking your destination. Ever think about Golden State getaways? A place where sandy beaches shimmer in golden hues and city streets are always humming. It's like one minute you're basking under a golden sun and the next, you're hiking in the wild outdoors. There's always a surprise waiting for you and, isn't that what solo travel is all about? I’m dreaming about that right now…

#5. Make New Friends…

and keep the old. If you were ever a Girl Scout you know that one. Maybe, like me, you think going alone means staying alone. Sitting in a corner table. Finding a quiet spot on the beach. Uh…no! In fact, it's often easier to meet new friends. Fellow backpackers in hostels, (okay, we know I won’t be doing the hostel, but you could love it) locals in coffee shops (much more likely for me), even someone walking on the trail - there's always someone around to with whom to share stories.

#6. Hello, Confidence!

Nothing says 'I can do this' like navigating through foreign lands and handling unexpected twists and turns. Stepping outside your comfort zone pumps up your confidence like no other. Head home with fantastic stories, and a fresh new belief in yourself.

#7. All About That Flexibility

When you’re on your own, the world is your oyster, filled with hidden gems waiting to be discovered. Okay, maybe not the freshest of wisdom, but sometimes the oldies hang around for a reason.

Missed a train? No worries! It's our chance to stumble upon a charming unknown town. Want to stay in a city you're smitten with? Why not? With solo travel, there's no rule book. Whether it's impulsively joining a cooking class or buying a ticket for a local concert on a whim, you can do it! Who knows, you might find an amazing place for lunch on the square that you never would have discovered otherwise. Let life guide you, it might be exactly where you’re supposed to be!

Ride the waves and make the journey truly yours.

Pack up & travel solo


I’m discovering solo traveling isn't about ticking places off a bucket list. It's a journey inward, a journey of self-discovery. It teaches, challenges, and enriches. I think I am ready to make the leap.

How about you? If so, why wait? Pack your bags, get out there and embrace the world.


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