Finding Relief from Chronic Pain

My readers know I have been struggling with chronic pain for some time now. I’m trying to learn more about how to options, especially holistic to address that. I thought I would share some of what I’m learning.

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It is my Universe, after all.

If You Know You Know…

Chronic pain is debilitating and relentless, and more than 51 million people in the US alone suffer from its effects each and every day. You only have to watch the new Netflix documentary "Take Care of Maya" to see the effects that undiagnosed or nonspecific pain can have on a family.

When living with complex pain issues, it can be hard to see the wood for the trees and find something that benefits you while not making things worse for yourself. Depending on the level of pain you are living with and the cause, how you approach treatments, both medical and alternative, will vary significantly from person to person. So if you are living from chronic pain and you, like me, want to get some relief, check out the following tips.

Finding relief from chronic pain

Medical Marijuana

Ooooh, yes, I went there.

While marijuana usage is still illegal in the US, medical marijuana has been legalized in all states except Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Nebraska, and Tennessee. This means that if you have a prescription for medical marijuana for a recognized condition, you can use this to help you control the pain. Exactly what Medical Marijuana is legal for varies from state to state, so it's worth checking with your doctor if you can get a prescription. Still, typically ALS, Cancer, PTSD, epilepsy, and MS are covered.

Holistic Therapies

Holistic therapies are those that use alternatives to modern medicine and can have many effects on different people. How much you’ll benefit will depend on your body, your receptiveness to the treatment, and the type of pain you are experiencing. Those living with conditions such as fibromyalgia (me!) might benefit from deep tissue massage or chiropractic treatments from a professional chiropractor, , while people with debilitating migraines (also me!) might find acupuncture therapies more effective. 


Not everyone is able to exercise, and regardless of what one influencer or another might tell you, all movement is good. So even if you cannot do much, making a point to move when you can, doing stretches, or going for a brisk walk or swimming can be seriously beneficial. Exercise isn't a cure for chronic pain, and it is a one size fits all option, but finding something that works for you can help you keep your body mobile and avoid excessive levels of pain due to being immobile, or having limited movement.

Put a pin in it!


Many people with chronic pain struggle with getting a good night's sleep, but that doesn't mean that you should abandon all hope of getting some restful shut-eye. (This one is definitely a huge struggle for me.) Your body needs sleep to help itself repair and process the day. Without a good night's sleep, you will feel lethargic and irritable, experience low moods, increased pain, and more. So even if you don't succeed at first, keep experimenting with different ways to get some sleep to help you allow your body the downtime it needs.

If You Don’t Succeed…

Living with chronic pain isn't easy, and anyone will tell you it takes a lot of effort to get through each day. But these tips can offer you ways to help yourself get some relief.


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