Happy Fall, Y’all

It takes longer to get here. It looks and feels different when it comes. But like most of the world, we love when the air gets crisper and the mercury begins to drop.

Happy Fall.png

Now the fact that the drop was from 97 to 83 may not seem like fall to the rest of you aside, we here on the Gulf will take what we can get.

Seriously, though, if you don’t know October in Texas, it is extraordinarily beautiful and pretty much the reason we put up with August and September. It is also the month that I usually travel every weekend to various festivals. I will miss that this year, but I won’t miss out on this beautiful sunshine and hope for future travels in future Octobers.

So despite the you-know-what show that 2020 has been, and despite COVID, and quarantine, I will still say …

Happy fall, y’all!


Sadly Silver


One Less C to Worry About