A Star in My Own Universe

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Pure Vindication

There is nothing to watch.

What about?

Seen it.






Stop trying. I’ve seen everything on everything.

What about “Vindication” on Pure Flix?


The following is a sponsored post. The opinions are all mine.
It is my Universe, after all.

I had never heard of “Vindication”. And little about the streaming service that hosts it, Pure Flix. I am always up, however, for a new show to binge.

The show is centered on Gary Travis, a detective in the Dallas suburbs. Episode One opens with him grilling a husband who may have made the biggest mistake in his life. And as Travis does, we get insight into who this man is, not just as a suspect, but as a husband, father, and in his relationship to God.

Yes, you read that right.

No Ordinary Drama

Peppered throughout the episodes are faith-based teaching moments. Not only is “Vindication” a drama without cursing or sex scenes, it consciously includes discussions of prayer and God’s purpose in one’s life.

Now, I know what you might be thinking, because I admit it. I wondered it, too. No, it’s not boring. And no, it’s not low budget. It is a high quality, well written, well-acted series. While faith is central to the characters, the show is not preachy. I truly enjoyed it and wanted to watch the next episodes.

Vindication on Pure Flix

Detective Travis faces real mysteries - murder, assault, missing persons, everything you expect in a police drama. “Vindication” even faces current social issues like teen sexting and intimate abuse, but the resolutions of the stories are very different than what you are used to seeing. The stories bring the characters to much more personal closures and ones that resonate much closer to home.

I was very pleasantly surprised by how much I cared about Detective Travis. He isn’t some idealized saint. As the show progresses, you see that his home needs some tending, as well.

I recommend giving “Vindication” a click. Or two. Or three. I ended up clicking all the way through and am in Season Two.

Have you tried “Vindication”?