A Star in My Own Universe

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Friday Fragments #1 -- A Star's Week

Every week, Mrs. 4444 over at Half Past Kissing Time hosts the wonderful Friday Fragments and this week I thought that I would join in. I certainly feel fragmented!It has been a weird and wild week. My dear mother-in-law fell at work and broke her shoulder bone severely. We had her in our home for several days to help her. Bless her heart, she is in so much pain and of course, it was her right arm so she is able to do nothing for herself. She is due to have surgery on Tuesday. Please send her your warmest thoughts and prayers. She was widowed almost eight months ago and this is a blow she did not need.Saturday was the ninth anniversary of 9/11. I was there. I still remember. Having said that I believe that America is the greatest country in the world and that we are big enough to embrace all of our citizens. I am thankful that I live in a free country that so many years ago was led by men who had the forethought to protect Freedom of Religion. In fact, they put it at the top of their list.On September 11th, my brother gave me a new and happy anniversary to celebrate. As I mentioned on Wednesday, he was married. He is now the step-father to two beautiful children and they are expecting a baby next Spring. I have been blessed to be married to my soul mate for almost 16 years and I wish them the happiest of lives together.Speaking of my soul mate -- Mr. Hero had a birthday yesterday. He would prefer that I not tell you how old he is so I'll just happy birthday to the man that still makes my heart beat faster and my knees quiver. Having enlisted after 9/11, he has served our country for almost nine years and he truly is my hero. I am proud to be his wife. I am proud that he is the father of my children. And he makes everything in my life worthwhile.Speaking of those children, my daughter (AKA The Diva) completed her second week of preschool and she has given me so much fodder. She is learning so much, so fast that I am expecting calls from college recruiters any day. Okay. That's an overstatement but she has astounded me. She loves school and tells me in great detail what she has learned each day. The school is inside a church and as we pulled into the parking lot this morning, she pointed to the church and said with such authority, "Mommy, do you know that is God's house?" Yes, baby, yes. She loves school so much that she actually cried on Tuesday because it wasn't a school day.So, yes, I am proud. But here is the rub. She doesn't miss me at all. Not one bit.  She barely says goodbye as I exit and she doesn't want to leave when the school day is over. That's good, right? Tell that to my heart which aches just a little (A LOT!) as my "baby" is growing up and therefore necessarily away from me.I can't brag about The Diva without mentioning Sonny-Bunny. He is rocking the first grade, though the introduction of homework has been a struggle. I am thankful for the Wii that provides great leverage when he starts to feel bored and/or frustrated. Thank you, Nintendo. (That's right I am unabashedly acknowledging bribery as a chief parenting technique. Judge if you must.)Finally, thank you for all the supportive words that I received after my post Making Me All I Am Supposed to Be. I have been asked not only why I blog, but why so many mothers do. I think it comes down to this. I didn't invent these problems. Any problem that I have, any number of women have had. And so, we come to this nebulous place called the Internet and we create a community of gravatars and profiles. But it is a community, none the less, and you all reminded me of that this week.So that's it. Fragmented enough for you? Check out the other fragmented souls with Mrs. 4444.

Mommy's Idea