Summer Escapes and Summer Memories

So I really did walk away from my computer. I spent two wonderful days with my friend, drinking Pina Coladas by a pool and watching romantic comedies that my husband would never take me to see. I celebrated this important non-Mommy time with some serious Mommy time, taking my kiddos to the beach, playing mini-golf, and swimming until we were officially water-logged.I may not be ready to conquer the world but after all that rest and relaxation, I have begun to feel like I can begin my marathon. I have cleaned out my closet and begun a giant purge of those things that are holding me back (or at least that's the theory!) School is days away and I am intent on starting the year far more organized. Wish me luck!And as the summer days are dwindling, I looked at my kids' summer experiences and compared them to mine as a child of the '70s. I wrote about it over at the Dr. Smith's blog, check it out here.I hope your last days of summer are as happy (and not as hot) as mine. Cheers!


Sundays in My City -- Shadows and Sun


Recharging My Batteries