I've Got to Be Me...


I loved, Loved, LOVED the Oprah show. When she went off the air, I begged her to not "Leave Me This Way". I've never had therapy but at 4:00 every afternoon, I sat on a couch with Oprah and had a daily dose of the Therapist-in-Chief. I was inspired to let go of my past, get organized, and make a vision board so I could live "My Best Life".And I will admit that when we changed cable this summer, I confirmed that her new network, OWN, would be included in the package. Truthfully, it has been far from a home run. The network does not have enough new programming and I think I would rather have a dinner sitting between Russell Brand and a New Jersey Housewife than watch Suzy Orman. There are bright moments, however, and the Big O has a new show -- "The Next Chapter". Basically, she goes to people's homes and holds extended one-on-one interviews.One of those interviews was with Joel Osteen. For those of you who do not know, he is a preacher of a large church and an inspirational author. Now don't worry, I am not about to preach. If, however, you want to see Oprah and Tyler Perry (yes, she brought him along) have a come to Jesus moment, look up this episode. She goes to his church to hear him speak. She weeps and she sings. And Tyler weeps and sings. They both weep and sing. But back to the topic, Mr. Osteen said something that spoke to me.Oprah Show, TVHe told Oprah that when we look at others and think that we are less than; that they are better than us, we are insulting God. Now I don't think that God has an especially thin skin but I get the point. If I am always looking outside myself and judging myself inferior then I am saying that God made a mistake in how he made me. He suggested that if we embrace ourselves and the talents that we have rather than spending energy wanting what others have, we can embrace that Best Life that Oprah was always trying to sell us.This is the awards season which always bring out my "I failed and _______________ (insert name here) is a success" mantra. This has been exaggerated with my health issues. Being so tired that I can't even accomplish the laundry does little to boost my self-image. But I think I am going to stop second-guessing the big man upstairs.Because, at the end of the day, this is who I am, imperfections and all. I can't be anyone else. So I've got to be me...  


Sundays in My City #20 -- Wildflowers and Wisdom


Dreams of a Southern Girl