Sing a Song

Back in the early days of my first blog, 38 and Growing, I wrote about how much the Karen Carpenter song, "Sing a Song" meant to me. Well, Sunday, at the Sesame Street Live event, they ended the show with this sweet song. As I was singing along, this is the beauty that I saw.

My little mesmerized Diva

.Looking at her, I was struck. "Don't worry that it's not good enough for anyone else to hear/Just sing. Sing a song..."

Don’t Worry, Just Sing

One of my heroes as a teenager was Whitney Houston. I wanted to be a singer and she had the greatest voice that I had ever heard. At her funeral, Kevin Costner spoke eloquently of the insecurities that plagued her. It was astounding to me that someone who was so beautiful and so blessed with talent could feel that she wasn't enough.

How does that happen?

I have struggled with insecurities myself and as I looked at my daughter who loves to sing so much, I wanted to protect from all these fears. I want her to know that she is good enough. I am realizing that I can tell her that she's wonderful day and night but to teach her that she is enough, I have to live it.

She looks up to me. She looks like me. She sings like me. If I want her to value those things in herself, I must value those things in myself. So, I pulled her into my lap and sang those lyrics into her ear as much to myself as to her. I hope she heard me. I hope I heard me.

Singing My Song

I have spent a lot of years not singing my "song" and it is time that I start singing again. If I haven't done it before for me than I have to start doing it for her. So, in the words of the song... I need to "sing, sing a song".

Sing, sing a song
Sing out loud, sing out strong
Sing of good things not bad
Sing of happy not sad
Sing, sing a song
Make it simple to last your whole life long
Don't worry that it's not good enough
For anyone else to hear
Just sing, sing a song
La la la la laLa la la la la la...

Do you have a song you are not singing?


Did I Just See That?


Sundays in My City #21 -- Gone Fishin'