A Star in My Own Universe

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Friday Fragments #6 -- Collecting My Thoughts

My life has been pretty scattered lately so it seemed time to join in Friday Fragments again. So here's where my brain is this Friday... The difference between a four year old girl and an eight year old boy...Little Diva: Mommy, I want to cuddle you for the rest of my life.Sonny-Bunny: I'm in a second grade, dude. Don't talk to me like I'm in kinder. Other words of wisdom from my waist-high set...Little Diva: Mommy, I wish junk food was healthy.Me: Me, too, baby. Me too! Little Diva was singing song after song. Not songs she has heard but ones she is making up on the spot. I complimented her on it and she said, "I can't help it, Mommy. I just have all these voices in my head. Did you have voices in your head when you were little?"I resisted the urge to say, "Yes, dear, but not the kind of the voices you mean!" Because it wasn't near as scary as it sounds -- "voices in my head". She is always making up stories and songs which I love (most of the time.) My son had a very 8-Year old boy moment yesterday. At his speech class, they have a red stuffed snake. It is about three feet long. The kids often wrap it around themselves. This time, he wrapped it around his chest with the tip end coming up between his legs. When I saw it, I wanted to laugh. I thought, however, that he was unaware of the phallic innuendo. Boy, was I wrong! In his full voice, he says, "Look, Mommy, I have a red penis!" I'm pretty sure that my cheeks were as red as the penis snake. In the world of the random...Am I the only one who has trouble spelling Wednesday and weird? Thank goodness for spell check because I spell those words wrong more often than not. I watched Lindsay Lohan on the Today Show and on Saturday Night Live. While, sadly, I am not convinced that she has seen the last of her troubles, I do wish her well. I thought her performance was lackluster but as a closet watcher of "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" (I know. I know. It's awful. It is awfully addicting), I loved, Loved, LOVED "The Real Housewives of Disney". Any mother of a Princess loving daughter can appreciate it. I recommend checking it out. And after being asked to by a company with whom I do business, I joined the world of Peer Index, Blog Rank, and Klout. If you want to be humbled, this is a pretty good step. I have an index of 11. Out of 100. Basically you get that score if you sign your name on the top of a test. Oh well. I may not be a super blogger but you guys make me feel like "SuperBlogger"! And finally...Have you seen the Haverty's "Perfect Match" commercial? It's a really cute spin on the speed dating idea. I usually skip over commercials, as I am in a very committed relationship with my DVR, but this one caught my eye and had me laughing.Please join Mrs. 4444 over at Half Past Kissin' Time for her fun meme, Friday Fragments.Mommy's Idea