A Star in My Own Universe

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The Mom I Am Going to Be

Last week, I shared my fears and failings as a mom. It was a really hard post to write. And it was a really, REALLY hard to hit publish. As soon I clicked, I worried. I felt so exposed. Would you all think I was the worst mother since Faye Dunaway's Joan Crawford screamed, "No Wiiiiiire hangers!"Within moments, however, I received message after message supporting me, cradling me even, letting me know it was okay. I was okay. And I was not alone.Despite those amazing words which mean more to me than any of you will ever know, I am committed to doing better. It's not an over-night process and I won't lie, I have not suddenly become mother of the year. But I did try...Last week, I began our big Spring Cleaning. In the past, this would have caused me to exile the kids to their room and/or bribe them with TV time just to keep them out of the way. Not this time. This time I included them and tried to make it fun. Little Diva made as many messes as she cleaned but her imagination really took over.First, she build a ship out our Sam's sized paper towels and toilet tissue. She got her telescope and used a butterfly net as an oar.

And then we discovered that couch seats make great castle walls for princesses.

And great ponies. (I cannot tell you how much fighting with my inner voice went on with this one!)

Baby steps but steps none the less. And those smiles made up for a lot!