A Star in My Own Universe

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Shining the Star-Light #8 -- Clear Point Wellness

In my first What's Happening Review, I spoke about my experience with Clear Point Wellness. Well, it gets better! Not only did Dr. Amanda Gibson provide the opportunity for me to try out her services but she and Clear Point Wellness are offering a discount to military families. And you know how much I love companies that support the military!The first two appointments are grouped together and include an assessment. The price for these two appointments is a flat rate of $220. The follow-up appointments, however are discounted 15%. Please call the office (512-416-7700) for details. You can also check out the website here. Please mention that you saw my review of Dr. Gibson's service and the 15% offer.As I noted in my review, I thought Dr. Gibson was lovely, genuine, and very skilled. I believe that she focuses on the whole person, both emotional and physical, and therefore, her services could be especially helpful to military families.I am proud to shine the Star-Light on Clear Point Wellness. Thanks to Clear Point and Dr. Amanda Gibson. You are stars in my eyes!