What's Happening Wednesday #11

So it's Wednesday and it is indeed happening! First off, it is six weeks and counting until the Texas Conference for Women and yours truly will be there. I am part of the street team (along with a number of other dynamite ladies) and can't wait for this special event. If you haven't signed up, it is NOT too late. Check out the amazing list of speakers and other exciting details here.Also, I have been asked by a local company Edie Bird to try out their all natural cleaning products. As of late, I have become interested in leaving a smaller footprint on our environment and as I deal with my health issues, I have been more conscious of the food and products that I am bringing into my home. The opportunity to review the Edie Bird line of cleaners seemed a perfect fit for these goals. So how did they work? Well, check back and see. Here's a sneak peek at the Before pic for the dishwashing detergent.(Yes, that is baked on taco cheese... so I certainly put it to the test! Stay tuned...)Also, a shout out to my Austin Blogger friends, Nicole (Live Mom), Kelly (Dances with Chaos), Melissa (CEO of Domestic Affairs), and my new friend Sarah (Toddler Summer) for an awesome Girls Night Out. And a big thank you to Cafe Malta for hosting us! I had one yummy Heirloom Tomato salad!Finally, I am super excited for this weekend. It's Bloggy Boot Camp in Dallas and I am going. I am so excited! I can't wait to come back and tell you all about it!I hope you are having an awesome Wednesday. What's happening with you? 


What's Happening -- Sustainable Food Center


I Haven't Forgotten