A Star in My Own Universe

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Finding My Voice and Following My Truth

This week was a BIG one. I went to Bloggy Boot Camp Dallas on Saturday and it was tremendous. I decided to finally do it because I felt like I had lost my way and voice a little. (I wrote about that here). I had lots of fun and met so many new friends (anyone watching my Twitter feed can attest!). It took me a few days, however, to really process everything.Sunday, I came home with the flush of post-convention enthusiasm. "I am going to revamp my blog design!" "I am going to learn SEO!" I learned so much about improving my blog and I have set real goals in that arena.I also was flush with all the friends I made. What an amazing group of women (and one very brave man)! I spoke with one of my table-mates about the energy in the room. We are a varied group. There were very young moms and retired grandmothers. There were women who were starting a blog this week and women who had blogged four years with huge numbers. I said that if we could harness the energy coming from so many women from so many backgrounds, we could fix anything! A big thank you to the SITS girls for organizing and a big hug to all my #bbcdal pals!But more happened than business and buddies. I rediscovered my desire to write. I had the immense pleasure to attend a Writer's Workshop led by the AMAZING MamaKat and SITS girl Francesca . At the heart of my blog is an artist trying desperately to be heard. After the acting world and I went separate ways, there was a great hole left in my heart. Writing has started to fill that hole. But it is easy to caught up in the work of the blog and forget the soul of it. I have certainly struggled with that especially after this tough summer.So I am taking more time with my posts and making sure that they come from that artist and not just written because I need to hit the publish key. This may mean that my posts are more infrequent but hopefully they will be more reflective of my life and my truth.At the workshop, I participated in a writing exercise called the "Six Word Memoir". This is an opportunity to condense your story to six words. This is what I came up with:Past lifeLeft behindFor Truth.I was surprised that such brevity could sum up my journey so well. What do you think? Do you have a Six Word Story?