What's Happening -- Texas Conference for Women
What's Happening? A truly inspirational day! I've been counting down the days to the 13th Annual Texas Conference for Women. And this was the day! It started early. I had the privilege of volunteering so at 6:30 am I made a relationship with these fabulous bags... I met many of the almost 5000 women (and a few brave men) that streamed through the doors. They each received a bag. I chose the bright red but they also came in an elegant black. It was held at the beautiful Austin Convention Center.
But as cool as the bags and location were, nothing topped the list of speakers! Too many to meet and see but Oh! who I did see! First, as a volunteer, I met David Bach. You know the Latte Factor guy? Author of Smart Women Finish Rich? Yep, that guy! And guess what? Totally nice.I also got meet the amazing Dr. Jennifer Berman. You probably know her from "The Doctors" TV Show, O Magazine, and many other media sources. Wow! She spoke frankly about what happens to our bodies and our libidos after 40 (so, yes, I was listening). This woman knows her stuff and is a strong advocate for women's health. I was honored to escort her to and from her talk and book signing. Again, a genuinely nice lady.But the moments that will stick with me came at the Keynote lunch. As a member of the Street Team, I sat at a great table -- first row, thank you very much!
The luncheon was hosted by The First Lady of Texas, Anita Perry and Austin newswoman, Leslie Rhode, served as MC. And the strength of Texas women continued as Dr. Brene Brown took the stage.
Dr. Brown is a professor at my alma mater, University of Houston, and she is a NY Times Bestselling author. Her latest book, Daring Greatly, is a look at how vulnerability and fear can stand alongside bravery and daring. That those things that make us open to heartbreak are also the things that make us open to success. Any of you who have followed me over the last few years know these words flew straight into my heart.I am scared a lot. That's not something that I usually shout from the rooftops but it is the truth. I always think that those who are more successful than I must be because they have a level of personal confidence that I have never achieved. But according to Dr. Brown, it is that vulnerability that creates authenticity. And it is from that authenticity, that greatness will come! She started with a Theodore Roosevelt quote that also opens her new book...
"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."
"Citizenship in a Republic," Speech at the Sorbonne, Paris, April 23, 1910
And with that, she shared how success found her by surprise after her TED Talk went viral. And being thrust into it, she was unprepared for both the good and bad attention, especially the negative. In fact, she realized that she had engineered her life to that point avoiding the arena, staying under the radar. Despite her frustration when she hit ceilings, she had actually help create those ceilings. And that's where she really got me.
I know I have done that! I have had moments of opportunity that I did not seize. I have created ceilings in my life. Not consciously but nonetheless real. But I am tired of hiding under the covers of my life. I am ready for the arena... positive or negative, I want to get into the arena.
And after hearing Dr. Brown yesterday, I feel a little more ready to jump in.
And as that settled in, my artist heart was inspired even further by the amazing musician Carrie Rodriguez! If you haven't heard her before, please do. She sings with such beauty and power and she plays the violin like it is a part of her. I can't say enough about her artistry. So yeah, my inner artist really started to sing!
This was furthered as another awesome Texas woman, Yvonne McGill, a vice-president at Dell introduced Cathie Black. Now Ms. Black was a woman who knew success -- dizzying heights of success. She served as president and later chairman of Hearst Magazines and was named one of the "Most Powerful Women in Business" by Forbes Magazine. She even wrote a book, Basic Black, encouraging women to get ahead in business.
But life took a turn. She received a call from Michael Bloomberg, mayor of New York, to become the chancellor of NY schools. Ms. Black accepted the challenge as a way to enter a life of service. But unlike her previous endeavors, she did not succeed. She was greeted with tremendous scrutiny and resistance from the day of announcement. After 95 days, she left the position frustrated and disappointed.
Rather than letting that dictate her path, however, she choose to re-invent herself again. She now invests in start-ups and entrepreneurs, helping others find their paths to success. Sounds like that spirit of service stayed with her!
I finished the day being inspired to make the book (or books) floating in my head become a reality listening to author, Danielle LaPorte. You know those rare bloggers that become best-selling authors? She is one of those. And she is one that is willing to give frank advice about how to make your (my) book dream come true.
So at the end of the day, I am feeling more inspired than I have in a while. Thanks to all the speakers and sponsors that made the Texas Conference for Women happen. And a big thanks to Anne Hebert for including me on the Texas Street Team, And to all of you who have followed me on my journey thus far, thanks!
Oh... fair warning, I am jumping into the arena!