From Nine Months to Nine Years

This week has been such a whirlwind that it has taken me days to process it (and truthfully, I'm still processing it). As I mentioned Sunday , we had a week of partying. But through all of the pizza, cake, games, and movies, a much bigger thing happened. The little boy, my first born, my Sonny-Bunny became a big boy, a tween. The baby that I fought to keep inside for nine months has turned nine years!!!From the start, he was his Dad's boy, a little doppelganger...He became a big brother...He learned to ride a bike...And he became a Scout...This was his last night as an eight year old...But now he's nine...But at the end of the day, he's still my beautiful boy. Many times I say that I'm not sure how I got here. And that's true but however it happened, I am and forever will be immensely grateful and blessed.Happy birthday beautiful boy. The world just keeps getting better and better with you in it. Your Mommy loves you very much. 


Sundays in My City #40 -- A Place for Growth


What's Happening -- Texas Conference for Women