What's Happening Review and Giveaway #3 -- Easy Canvas Prints
How lucky am I? This week I have received so much because of this blog and yet another came today. My father has a birthday coming up and my friends at Easy Canvas Prints and Signs on the Cheap, I have a very special way to celebrate my father's upcoming 65th birthday.They gave me a beautiful print to canvas transfer.I started with a digital pic...And I got this...
And it comes ready to hang...
And look how the picture wraps... so cool!
Shhh! My father will be celebrating his 65th in 10 days and this will be part of his gift. I think he will be pretty happy.But I'm not just bragging. I get to share. More than that you get to choose from a selection of gifts. If you'd prefer, signs and magnets are among the offerings. How often do you get than opportunity?Code for Easy Canvas Prints (I'll be giving away an 8"x10" canvas)Photo to CanvasCode for Magnets On The Cheap (I'll be giving away a $50 gift card)Car MagnetsCode for Banners On The Cheap (I'll be giving away a $40 gift card)Vinyl BannersCode for Signs On The Cheap (I'll be giving away a $30 gift card)Cheap SignsSound good? I thought so. So hop on the "Copter" and enter to win your favorite.a Rafflecopter giveawayThanks again to Signs on the Cheap for offering the giveaway to my readers. And an extra big thank you to Easy Canvas Prints for the beautiful transfer of my family pic. As always, the opinions represented are mine and only mine.